For GPs

Information for general practitioners and health care professionals


Aria Health specialises in the care of older people (usually 65 years old or older) . We perform Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments (CGA) which includes a thorough assessment of medical issues, medication review and review of physical function, and psychological and social domains. We partner with GPs by providing a comprehensive, prioritised management plan for referred older patients to help GPs optimise patient health and quality of life.


Clinics: Aria Health runs clinics at

  • 272 Gilbert Rd, Preston

  • 478 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South

  • Suite 2, 146 High Street, Cranbourne

Residential care: We visit residential care locations across Melbourne and rural Victoria.

Geriatrician referrals

Download our referral form or speak with our helpful admin team today.

Cognitive Support and Dementia Nurse Consultant

Our Cognitive Support and Dementia Support Nurse Consultant provides comprehensive, holistic privately billed assessments for patients with cognitive impairment or dementia to support them and their families/carers with management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. To find out more, please click here.